An Internship with Certex (UK)
What degree are you studying?
I am studying an engineering degree in programming electronics, lighting, plasma and laser at the Polytech Orléans, France.
That’s very specific, why did you choose a degree in lasers?
I like optics, at school you have two years preparation and then 3 years to specialise. At the beginning I worked with optic and plasma, then I discovered the festival of light in Lyon and I could see myself programming that one day.
You could say you’re an artist, making the lights move in rhythm and dance?
I’m not sure that’s how I’d describe it. I like to sculpt other people’s ideas. If they have a dream, I would like to create it, make it real for them, through programming.
So why did you decide to take on an internship with Certex (UK)?
I decided to make an internship in a foreign country. I wanted to improve my English. I was struggling to find somewhere to go, luckily my father works in Forankra France a company within the Axel Johnson Group, with the help of my father I managed to get an internship.
Two weeks before my internship started he received an ok from Scott - Certex (UK) MD. The week before I arrived, I had to take an exam so I only had a week to prepare my trip. So I did not know what I would discover. I was told maybe I will work on the shop floor.
When you arrived in the UK was it as expected, and did you spend time in the workshop?
I did not know what I would discover, I was pleased when I arrived, it was a pleasure to go to work with such friendly people.
I found that actually I would work with the sales team and the digital team. It was nice to work with something that I study. I worked on improving sales reports for the Industrial sales team. I also worked on a digital project for the TRS division creating 3D models and for Certex digital projects checking that all functions on the old system were brought forward to the new one that is being developed.
What have you gained from working here?
I take confidence with my English, when I came I was afraid, but everybody was very nice. It was a human experience and professional experience too. I took confidence as I was given responsibility to work alone, I managed to complete tasks by myself. I also worked directly with the software programmers.
What’s next for you?
I have two years left at University and then after a job. I will try to be part of the festival of light or of historical monuments. In time we shall see, that’s my first idea. It will depend on the projects we create at University. We have many, so we shall see if they take me in another direction.
Manichand Soogumbur
Marketing Manager
Unit C1 Harworth Industrial Estate, Bryans Close, Doncaster, DN11 8RY
+44 (0) 1302 756054
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